The talks and posters that I've presented or been involved with are listed below, and PDF versions of most of them are hosted here. Please get in touch with any questions (c.r.cummins AT
The acquisition of Urdu universal quantifiers (with Saima Hassan). Poster at AMLaP 2024, Edinburgh, September 2024.
Anticipating informativity in child-directed vs. adult-directed utterances (with Vilde Reksnes, Alice Rees and Hannah Rohde). Poster at AMLaP 2024, Edinburgh, September 2024.
Intended and unintended meanings. Invited talk at University of Edinburgh LEL Postgraduate Conference, June 2024.
Inferences with less cooperativity. Invited talk at Meaning @ Edinburgh workshop, May 2024. (PDF)
Psychic linguistics? Invited talk in DiscoMatiX seminar series, online, October 2023. (PDF)
Inferences from, and about, context. Invited talk at 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels, panel 'Modelling cultural and contextual influence: Patterns, templates and schemas in utterance interpretation', July 2023. (PDF)
Inferences about implicatures. Invited talk at University of California, Irvine, January 2023. (PDF)
Lies, damned lies, and argumentative expressions of quantity. Invited talk in XPRAG Wine Gatherings, online, December 2022. (PDF)
Arguing with numbers in digital multimodal dialogue (with Sumin Zhao). Invited talk in Multimodality Talks Series, University of Leeds, December 2022.
Do modified numerals leak information about the speaker's knowledge state? (with Michael Franke). Poster at XPrag 2022, IUSS Pavia, Italy, September 2022.
Experimentally investigating the production of additive presupposition triggers (with Alex Lorson and Hannah Rohde). Talk at XPrag 2022, IUSS Pavia, Italy, September 2022.
Awareness of speaker intentions affects expectations about upcoming content (with Vilde Reksnes, Alice Rees and Hannah Rohde). Talk at XPrag 2022, IUSS Pavia, Italy, September 2022.
Arguing about quantities (with Fausto Carcassi and Michael Franke). Talk at XPrag 2022, IUSS Pavia, Italy, September 2022.
Joint inference about numerical quantity and speaker knowledge (with Michael Franke). Poster at AMLaP 2022, University of York, September 2022.
Guesses about upcoming content reflect awareness of speakers as intentional communicators (with Vilde Reksnes, Alice Rees and Hannah Rohde). Poster at AMLaP 2022, University of York, September 2022.
Emotionality is not tied to the native language in bilinguals (with Antonella Sorace). Invited talk in the symposium on Emotions in Native and Foreign Languages, 22nd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP2022), Lille, August 2022. (PDF)
The rhetoric of numbers and Covid-19 discourses on social media (with Sumin Zhao). Talk at Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD2022), Bergamo, Italy, July 2022. (PDF)
Arguing with quantifiers (with Fausto Carcassi and Michael Franke). Talk at Cognitive Semantics and Quantities (CoSaQ) closing workshop, University of Amsterdam, May 2022. (PDF)
Awareness of speakers as intentional communicators affects next-word expectations in a Cloze task (with Vilde Reksnes, Alice Rees and Hannah Rohde). Poster at the 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP), UC Santa Cruz, CA, March 2022.
Strategic reasoning when formulating and comprehending knowledge ascriptions (with Alex Lorson and Hannah Rohde). Short talk at AMLaP 2021, Université de Paris, September 2021.
Team interaction in cardiac arrest resuscitation (with Ernisa Marzuki, Hannah Rohde and Holly Branigan). Talk in panel on social interaction in high stakes crisis situations, 17th International Pragmatics Conference, Winterthur, Switzerland, June 2021. (PDF)
Choosing to presuppose. Invited talk at workshop on 'Processing presuppositions: theoretical and methodological approaches', held online by University of Tübingen, October 2020. (PDF)
Conveying quantity pragmatically. Invited talk at University of Cambridge, January 2020. (PDF)
Language and the emergence of Theory of Mind. Invited talk at workshop on 'The cognitive benefits of language – an evolutionary perspective', Universität Osnabrück, October 2019. (PDF)
When objecting to presupposed content comes easily (with Alex Lorson and Hannah Rohde). Oral presentation at SemDial 2019 (LondonLogue), Queen Mary University of London, September 2019.
Pragmatically (ir)rational: loss aversion bias in L2 speakers of English (with Zoe Schlueter and Antonella Sorace). Poster at 32nd Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, April 2019.
"Rationality" and number interpretation in L1 and L2. Invited talk at workshop on 'The meaning of numerals: cognitive, experimental, and semantic perspectives', ZAS, Berlin, March 2019. (PDF).
L2 speakers are not more rational than L1 speakers when it comes to loss aversion (with Zoe Schlueter and Antonella Sorace). Poster at AMLaP 2018, Berlin, September 2018.
More than at most: possible meanings of modified numerals. Invited talk at Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, July 2018. (PDF)
A model of cultural co-evolution of language and perspective taking (with Marieke Woensdregt, Kenny Smith and Simon Kirby). Oral presentation at EVOLANG XII, Torun, Poland, April 2018.
Sharing and verbalisation of plans in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation (with Ernisa Marzuki, Gareth Clegg, Hannah Rohde, Holly Branigan, and Anna Crawford). Poster at 999 EMS Research Forum, Stirling, March 2018.
Loss aversion bias is affected by L2 proficiency, not by more rational behavior in the L2 (with Zoe Schlueter and Antonella Sorace). Poster at 31st Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, UC Davis, March 2018.
The cultural coevolution of language and perspective taking: convergent transformation away from selection target can nevertheless strengthen selection effect (with Marieke Woensdregt, Kenny Smith and Simon Kirby). Poster at inaugural Cultural Evolution Society Conference, Jena, September 2017.
A model of cultural co-evolution of language and mindreading (with Marieke Woensdregt, Kenny Smith and Simon Kirby). Poster at CogSci 2017, London, July 2017.
Top-down and bottom-up cues to speech acts (with Ye Tian). Poster at XPrag 2017, Köln, June 2017.
Transcending boundaries: multidisciplinarity in language research. Invited panellist at iMean Conference, UWE, Bristol, April 2017.
More things that look like implicatures. Invited talk at Panel on Experimental Approaches to Typologies of Meaning, 3rd International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA), Bloomington, IN, November 2016. (PDF)
Resuscitation of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: what makes an effective narrative? (with Ernisa Marzuki, Hannah Rohde, Holly Branigan and Gareth Clegg). Oral presentation at BAAL 2006, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, September 2016.
Modelling the co-development of word learning and perspective taking (with Marieke Woensdregt, Simon Kirby and Kenny Smith). Poster at CogSci 2016, Philadelphia, PA, August 2016.
The pragmatics of cognitive biases: going beyond the bounds. Oral presentation at Rationality, Probability and Pragmatics (RatProPrag2016), ZAS, Berlin, May 2016. (PDF)
Being rational with expressions of number. Invited talk at NYU Semantics Group, New York, May 2016. (PDF)
The cultural co-evolution of language and mindreading (with Marieke Woensdregt, Simon Kirby and Kenny Smith). Oral presentation at EvoLang XI, New Orleans, March 2016.
Fractions, scales and granularity. Oral presentation at LAGB 2015 Annual Meeting, University College London, September 2015. (PDF).
Pragmatic enrichments of modified fractions. Oral presentation at XPrag 2015, University of Chicago, July 2015. (PDF).
When are speech acts recognised?. Invited talk at Workshop on Speech Act Theory, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), Berlin, June 2015. (PDF)
Modified fractions, granularity and scale structure. Oral presentation at Gradability, Scale Structure and Vagueness: Experimental Perspectives (ExpGrad2015), Madrid, May 2015. (PDF)
Repetition versus implicatures and presuppositions. Oral presentation at 37th Annual Meeting of the DGfS, working group on Exact Repetition in Grammar and Discourse, Leipzig, March 2015. (PDF)
The granularity of fractions. Oral presentation at 37th Annual Meeting of the DGfS, working group on Proportions and Quantities, Leipzig, March 2015. (PDF)
The unicorn does not exist: dealing with unwanted presuppositions. Invited talk at Linguistic Circle, University of Edinburgh, October 2014. (PDF)
At least, numerals and the QUD. Invited talk at Two Days At Least Workshop, Hilversum, September 2014. (PDF)
The role of numerical cognition in signalling Question Under Discussion. Poster at AMLaP XX, University of Edinburgh, September 2014. (PDF)
Training and timing local implicatures (with Emmanuel Chemla and Raj Singh). Poster at AMLaP XX, University of Edinburgh, September 2014. (PDF)
Numerical expressions, implicatures, and imagined prior context. Oral presentation at SemDial 2014 (DialWatt), Heriot-Watt University, September 2014. (PDF)
Effects of priming and grounding on overhearers' choice of referring expressions (with J. P. de Ruiter). Poster at RefNet Workshop, University of Edinburgh, August 2014. (PDF)
Quantity expressions as a cue to context. Invited talk at Symposium on Implicatures and Typicality, Radboud University Nijmegen, June 2014. (PDF)
Getting implicatures wrong. Invited talk at 3rd International Workshop on Miscommunication, Queen Mary University of London, May 2014. (PDF)
Presupposition triggers in Spanish: an experimental approach (with Patrícia Amaral). Poster at 44th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Western University, London, Ontario, May 2014.
The case of the inconsistent implicature. Invited talk at CUNY 2014 Sentence Processing Conference, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, March 2014. (PDF)
Not accommodating what you already know. Invited talk at Manchester Forum in Linguistics (mFiL), University of Manchester, November 2013. (PDF)
On the processing benefits of roundness (with Stephanie Solt and Marijan Palmović). Poster at XPrag 2013, Utrecht.
Reading Hurford disjunctions: processing evidence for embedded implicatures (with Emmanuel Chemla and Raj Singh). Poster at XPrag 2013, Utrecht.
Using possible alternatives in a Bayesian model of dialogue act recognition (with J. P. de Ruiter). Oral presentation at Workshop on Bayesian Natural Language Semantics and Pragmatics (BNLSP 13), ESSLLI 2013, Düsseldorf, August 2013. (PDF)
Priming and QUD versus implicatures. Oral presentation at Workshop on Discourse Coherence, Information Structure and Implicature (CISI), ESSLLI 2013, Düsseldorf, August 2013. (PDF)
How not to trigger a presupposition. Oral presentation at 19th International Congress of Linguists (ICL 19), Geneva, July 2013. (PDF)
Multi-level contextual effects on the scope of negation (with J. P. de Ruiter). Poster at 19th International Congress of Linguists (ICL 19), Geneva, July 2013.
Speaker-referring pragmatics. Invited talk at University of Edinburgh, May 2013. (PDF).
Some (more) things going on in presupposition experiments. Invited talk at Radboud University Nijmegen Semantics and Pragmatics Colloquium, January 2013. (PDF)
The preference for rounding (with Stephanie Solt and Marijan Palmović). Oral presentation at 87th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Boston MA, January 2013.
Using embedded quantifiers. Invited talk at Much Ado About Much: The semantics and pragmatics of quantity expressions, Universität Konstanz, Germany, October 2012. (PDF)
AIRBUS: Asymmetric Intention Recognition with Bayesian Updating of Signals (with J. P. de Ruiter). Poster at SemDial 2012 (SeineDial), Université Paris Diderot (Paris VII), September 2012.
A speaker-referring OT pragmatics of quantity expressions. Oral presentation at 7th Constraint Solving and Language Processing Workshop (CSLP), Université d'Orléans, France, September 2012. (PDF)
Backgrounding and accommodation of presuppositions: an experimental approach (with Patrícia Amaral and Napoleon Katsos). Oral presentation at Sinn und Bedeutung 17, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, September 2012. (PDF)
Predicting non-projecting presuppositions. Oral presentation at Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) annual meeting, University of Salford, Manchester, September 2012. (PDF)
Interpreting semantic and pragmatic restrictions on expression usage. Oral presentation at European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP) annual conference, University of London, August 2012. (PDF)
Question or surprise? The neural correlates of linguistic and paralinguistic information (with Brechtje Post, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Iwo Bohr and Francis Nolan). Poster at Human Brain Mapping, Shanghai, June 2012.
A plethora of quantity expressions. Invited talk at University College London, May 2012. (PDF)
Disentangling linguistic and paralinguistic intonational information: an fMRI study (with Brechtje Post, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Iwo Bohr and Francis Nolan). Oral presentation at British Association of Academic Phoneticians (BAAP), Leeds, March 2012.
Is too much information too much trouble? Invited talk at Workshop on Conversational Implictures, Radboud University Nijmegen, January 2012. (PDF)
Can priming account for implicature failure? Invited talk in SFB 673 colloquium series, Universität Bielefeld, October 2011. (PDF)
Are presuppositions accommodated globally by default? (with Richard Breheny, Emmanuel Chemla, Bart Geurts and Napoleon Katsos). Oral presentation at Euro-XPrag workshop, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, October 2011. (PDF)
The preference for approximation (with Stephanie Solt and Marijan Palmović). Oral presentation at Euro-XPrag Workshop, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, September 2011.
Constraints on quantifiers. Oral presentation at ESSLLI 2011, Workshop on the Proper Use of Quantification in Ordinary Language (PUQOL), Ljubljana, August 2011. (PDF)
Experimental evidence on the distinction between foregrounded and backgrounded meaning (with Patrícia Amaral and Napoleon Katsos). Oral presentation at ESSLLI 2011, Workshop on Projective Content, Ljubljana, August 2011. (PDF)
Implicatures and modified numerals (with Uli Sauerland and Stephanie Solt). Oral presentation at XPrag 2011, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona. (PDF)
Backgrounding through presupposition (with Patrícia Amaral). Poster at XPrag 2011, UPF, Barcelona, June 2011.
Categories and gradience in intonation: an fMRI study (with Brechtje Post, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Iwo Bohr and Francis Nolan). Oral presentation at Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia, Tarragona, June 2011.
Implicatures from deficient scales. Oral presentation at Semantics and Pragmatics Cluster Workshop, University of Cambridge, May 2011. (PDF)
Recovering some, if not all, of the speaker's meaning. Invited talk at Universität Bielefeld, Germany, April 2011. (PDF)
The interaction of contextual and linguistic factors in the selection of quantified expressions. Oral presentation at Meaning, Context and Cognition (MCC 2011), University of Lodz, Poland, March 2011. (PDF)
What is the speaker's context when selecting numerically-quantified expressions? (with Napoleon Katsos). Invited talk at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the DGfS, working group What is a context?, Göttingen, February 2011. (PDF)
Modelling the pragmatic effects of approximation. Oral presentation at Vague Quantities and Vague Quantifiers (VQ2), Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), Berlin, December 2010. (PDF)
A constraint-based approach to the meaning and use of quantified expressions (with Uli Sauerland and Stephanie Solt). Oral presentation at Euro-Xprag workshop, Leuven, June 2010. (PDF)
Drawing and cancelling granularity-based inferences. Oral presentation at Looking at Language Acquisition (LALA-XI) meeting, RCEAL, University of Cambridge, May 2010. (PDF)
Using epistemic state in drawing scalar inferences (with Napoleon Katsos). Oral presentation at PsyLingSE meeting, UCL, London, March 2010. (PDF)
Constraints on numerically-quantified expressions. Invited talk, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, December 2009. (PDF)
Pragmatic interpretation and use of numerically-quantified expressions. Invited talk, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), Berlin, November 2009. (PDF)
Processing costs of strict versus non-strict comparison. University of Cambridge Linguistics PhD seminar, October 2009. (PDF)
The semantics and pragmatics of numerically-quantified expressions. RCEAL Tuesday Colloquium, RCEAL, University of Cambridge, October 2009. (PDF)
Numerically quantified expressions (with Napoleon Katsos). Oral presentation at XPrag 2009, Lyon, April 2009. (PDF)
Scrambled word recognition: Implications for position coding. Poster presentation at AMLaP 2008, Cambridge, September 2008. (PDF)